
Funeral for Sister Therese Duross, RA

Homily at the funeral Mass for Sister Therese Duross, RA

When news went out about Therese’s death last week, our friend and neighbor Fred Bayon told a story that he had filed away in his memory bank. It goes back to Therese’s high school days at Ravenhill in Philadelphia and, get this, her striking Grace Kelly with her field hockey stick.

PGC - Main Themes of the Day 9

PGC – Main Themes of the Day 9 – Saturday, June 8, 2024

In most organizations, the last day of a workshop is reserved for key orientations and a closing ceremony. This time, the PGC did not follow this logic by including in the day’s program a time of information on plans to open or close communities in the medium term, attentive to the ongoing reflections of the Provincial Councils.

PGC - Main Themes of the Day 8

PGC – Main Themes of the Day 8 – Friday, June 7, 2024

The second PGC is drawing to a close. But the members are not yet thinking of resting. After the Eucharist on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, work continued as usual. They focused on the Development and Solidarity Bureau (BDS) and the opening and closing of communities.

Presentation on Immigration

Presentation on Immigration

Assumption University’s SEND Immersion/Mission Trip to El Paso, Texas and the Larger Context of Immigration at the U.S./Mexico Border.