
Jack Healy

Readings and Reflection for March 28 (Monday in the Fourth Week of Lent)

Click the arrow below to hear a member of the Assumption community read today’s Gospel. Connecting the dots One of the keys to reading the Bible is making the connection between different stories. These stories might come from separated books. For instance, we can read the account of the temptation… Read More »Readings and Reflection for March 28 (Monday in the Fourth Week of Lent)

Caleb White

Readings and Reflection for March 26 (Saturday in the Third Week of Lent)

Click the arrow below to hear a member of the Assumption community read today’s Gospel. God versus human beings In our spiritual journey, it happens that the way other people look at us creates a major obstacle to our personal conversion. Sometimes we must be very courageous to confront their… Read More »Readings and Reflection for March 26 (Saturday in the Third Week of Lent)

Rachel Dean

Readings and Reflection for March 25 (Friday in the Third Week of Lent, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord)

Click the arrow below to hear a member of the Assumption community read today’s Gospel. A life-giving departure In Book IV of The Confessions, Augustine uses a beautiful image to talk about the departure of the word. When we utter a sentence, it is not complete until one word passes… Read More »Readings and Reflection for March 25 (Friday in the Third Week of Lent, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord)

Assumptionists Celebrate Reconciliation in Mexico

Assumptionists Celebrate Reconciliation in Mexico

Assumptionists priests from Tlilapan (Mexico) Oswaldo and Rodel are in Soledad Atzompa helping the parish priest for confessions with other priests of Decanato de Tequila. They are 9 priests Providing the reconciliation service for local people.