Dear brothers,
Let me wish each of you personally and all your communities a happy Easter celebration.
You must be busy with the Easter celebrations. Yes, it must keep us busy, because these are the celebrations that take us back to the foundations of our Christian faith.
Easter is a time to strengthen our faith and hope. At the 34th General Chapter, we renewed our commitment to “live and proclaim the hope of the Gospel”. And it’s at Easter that this hope is reborn.
This Holy Thursday, during the Chrism Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis asked us an important question: “How is your prayer?” May our prayers this Holy Week give us renewed life and faith. And may “the Spirit of God impel us to make our own the great causes of God and man, to take us to where God is threatened in man and man threatened as the image of God”. (RV n#4). Let’s not forget that the Pope has dedicated the year 2024 to prayer, in preparation for the Jubilee 2025.
Happy Easter to all!
Fraternally yours,
Ngoa Ya Tshihemba, AA
Superior General