Easter Message from Bishop McManus


Easter 2024

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ brought profound joy and hope to the early Church. That joy was particularly pronounced because it followed the shock and gloom of Good Friday when Christ’s death seemed to dash all hope.

Two millennia later, a world tragically marred by war, injustice, and division desperately needs the transforming joy of Easter. Our commemoration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ again brings us the certain hope that, in the end, the righteousness, peace, and joy of God’s Kingdom, will prevail. We need the hope and confidence flowing from Christ’s triumph not only at Easter but every day. And we can have it.

At every Mass we celebrate the memorial of Christ’s saving Passion and wondrous Resurrection. This is more than just calling to mind the greatest events of history. It is making those events, their saving effects, and Christ Himself truly present to continue the redemption of our weary world.

In this final year of our National Eucharistic Revival, we would do well to reflect upon some of the actions and gestures at Mass that remind us of the mysteries of our faith made present in the Eucharist. Just as God’s Son was truly born of the Virgin, Christ truly becomes present in the Eucharist after the priest calls down the Holy Spirit over the gifts and pronounces Christ’s words, “This is my Body.” “This is My Blood.” Just as Christ was lifted up on the Cross and died by the shedding of His Blood to give glory to His Father, at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer, we offer all glory and honor to the Father when the priest lifts up the Body and Blood of Christ separately and apart (representing His death). Right before Communion, a small piece of the consecrated Host is placed in the Chalice, reuniting His Body and Blood (representing His Resurrection).

I pray that you and your family are renewed in your Christian joy and hope this Easter and that that joy and hope are strengthened and deepened each Sunday at Mass.

With every prayerful best wish for a joyous Easter, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Robert J. McManus
Bishop of Worcester