Bro. Aloysious Renews His Vows

 Bro. Aloysious Renews His Vows

On Monday, May 13th, 2024, Br. Aloysious Musoke, A.A. renewed his religious vows in the chapel at the Assumptionist Center, Brighton, MA. Below is a reflection from his renewal.

As Emmanuel d’Alzon says, “A vow makes us less dependent on ourselves, but more dependent on God” (Spiritual Writings, 429). This is self-evident. Whenever I renew my vows I feel reminded to surrender, trust, and be humble. It is a commitment never solely reliant on my strength. Instead, I recognize the need for guidance and draw upon a source of strength beyond myself.

Please pray for Br. Aloysious as he continues his religious commitment.

 Bro. Aloysious Renews His Vows

 Bro. Aloysious Renews His Vows