All members of the Assumption community are invited to participate in the University’s Baccalaureate Mass on Saturday, May 11 at 5:00 PM in the Plourde Center. This Mass, which is an anticipatory Mass for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, gives thanks to God for the blessings bestowed on the Class of 2024 and invokes God’s blessings on the graduates as they move into the next chapter of their lives. Bishop Robert McManus will preside and Father Richard Lamoureux, A.A. will preach.
Due to the University’s Commencement on Sunday, May 12, there will be no Masses on campus on Sunday, May 12. Instead, all members of the Assumption community are invited to the Baccalaureate Mass. No tickets are required, there will be ample seating, and parking will be available at lots across the campus. The Sunday 10 AM Mass in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit will resume on Sunday, May 19.
Funeral for Ruth Kimball on May 18
Ruth Kimball, a long-time member of the worshiping community at Assumption University, died at the age of 100 on April 3, 2024. For many years, Ruth was was a switchboard operator at Assumption, beloved by students, employees, and anyone else who was fortunate enough to meet her. Ruth’s funeral will be celebrated in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Assumption at 2:00 PM on Saturday, May 18. All are welcome to the funeral to remember and give thanks for Ruth and to commend her to God’s loving embrace.
Summer Schedule for the Chapel of the Holy Spirit
8:00 AM: Morning Prayer
10:00 AM: Mass (except May 12)
4:45 PM: Evening Prayer
8:00 AM: Morning Prayer and Mass
5:35 PM: Evening Prayer
There will be no liturgies in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit June 17-21 due to the Assumptionist Community retreat. The academic year schedule of liturgies in the Chapel will resume on Saturday, August 24
Summer Schedule for Office of Campus Ministry
The Office of Campus Ministry at Assumption will be closed from June 1 through July 31 and will reopen on August 1.