
Making Saints

As we approach All Saint Day, let me offer a few thoughts on holiness. One of the central affirmations of the Second Vatican Council was the universal call to holiness. This means, among other things, that holiness is not the preserve of a particular segment of the Church’s life, but… Read More »Making Saints

A Jubilee Foundation

The Assumptionists’ new foundation in the Diocese of El Paso, Texas, connects us to an important part of our apostolic legacy here in the North American Province. Our oldest sustained foundation in the province was on the lower West Side of Manhattan, at Our Lady of Guadalupe parish. For more than… Read More »A Jubilee Foundation

Exploring Forms of Prayer

The Difference Between Meditation and Contemplation Click here to view this post on the Catholic Digest website. Can you describe the difference between meditation and contemplation? I’ve heard those terms used interchangeably, but I don’t think that is correct. Can you help me understand the differences in these kinds of… Read More »Exploring Forms of Prayer

Some Thoughts on Piety

The following is Fr. Dennis’ Sunday homily for the Memorial of Sts. Anne & Joachim, given at the closing novena Mass at St. Anne Shrine in Fiskdale, MA, this past Sunday. The Assumptionists have ministered at the shrine and parish since 1955. In my encounters with students over the years… Read More »Some Thoughts on Piety

Word Deflation

A while back, one of the priests here during the penitential rite at the beginning of Mass would ask forgiveness for our “limitations.” I don’t wish to personalize my reaction to this – this priest was not a native English speaker – but the substitution of limitations for sin is… Read More »Word Deflation