
Good Friday, April 10th

Photo by Josh Applegate Such enormous, inexplicable pain in the world. Looking back at Good Fridays over the years, there’s always something: a Marathon bombing, a school shooting, a deranged pilot to graphically illustrate the point. This year we’ve gone global, with the whole world sheltered in place, while the “invisible enemy” takes its… Read More »Good Friday, April 10th

Wednesday, April 8th

“Surely it is not I, Lord?” Valentin de Boulogne, Last Supper The early Christian community was deeply shaken by what Judas had done. That one of the inner circle, to whom he had confided so much, could have betrayed him, was shocking. That comes through in today’s Gospel when, after telling… Read More »Wednesday, April 8th

Tuesday, April 7th

The impetuous one goes to school Gerard Seghers – Repentance of St Peter I’m drawn to the apostle Peter on this Tuesday of Holy Week. Peter, the impetuous one. “Master, why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.”  We can call this another moment in the… Read More »Tuesday, April 7th

Monday, April 6th

Letting her hair down. We’ve taken to responding “perfect” these days to texts and emails making arrangements of one sort or another. It’s so common that, however reassuring, my contrarian self usually avoids it. Not so with what Mary does in today’s Gospel: anointing the feet of Jesus with a large quantity… Read More »Monday, April 6th

Lost in place

Rembrandt’s The Return of the Prodigal Son, c. 1661–1669 The longest of the three parables on God’s mercy in chapter 15 of Luke’s Gospel bears the traditional title of The Prodigal Son, named after the younger son who wasted his inheritance in a foreign land. Since the father is the central figure… Read More »Lost in place