Today we celebrate here in Mexico and some other countries like Italy the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ or the Corpus Christi. But most countries, the Feast is celebrated on Sunday or Sunday after Holy Trinity Sunday, this coming Sunday. And most parishes make the procession of the Blessed Sacrament outside the church to bless the people. But since the start of the pandemic, at our parish Parroquia De Santiago Apostol Tlilapan, we have been going around the parish to bless the people with the Blessed Sacrament for a few years. We did this every Sunday when the parish was closed, and we continue to do it every other Sunday. There are still many people who are afraid to get the virus and are not attending mass. But today is more important because it is the feast day of Corpus Christi and many people went out of their houses to put up altars in front of their homes and decorating with the colors white and yellow as the color of the church. They are happy to be blessed by the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We started the procession with the rain pouring hard, but after a while it ended and the sun came out. It was a wonderful day to celebrate with the people because the weather was good. It’s been raining here for many days already, but thanks be to God, today He gave a wonderful day.