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Articles in Books, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Journals


"La théologie d'après le Bréviloque de saint Bonaventure." L'Année théologique. 10 (1949) 201-214.

"The Light of God in the Theology of St. Bonaventure." The Eastern Churches Quarterly. 8 (1949-1950) 407-417.

"St. Bonaventure's Disputed Questions De Theologia." Recherches de théologie ancienne et mediévale. 17 (1950) 187-236.

"The Assumptionists and the Work for Christian Unity." The Eastern Churches Quarterly. 8 (1950) 482-494.

"The Mystery of the Holy Spirit." The Downside Review. 68 (1950) 255-270.

"Riflessioni sull'attitudine dei cattolici che avvicinano i cristiani separati." Unitas. (1950, juglio-settembre) 218-223. Only the Italian version is correct. The other editions have numerous unauthorized changes, including the title of the French version. French: "Les oeuvres d'union en Angleterre: état actuel, projets." Unitas. (1950, octobre-décembre) 195-198. English: "Reflections on the Catholic Approach to Separated Christians." Unitas. (1951, January-March) 9-12.

"A Great Expectation." Westminster Cathedral Chronicle. 45, 4 (1951) 74-75.

"On a Misreading of St. Bonaventure's Doctrine on Creation." The Downside Review. 69 (1951) 276-288.

"Où va l'Ecclésiologie anglicane?" L'Année théologique. 12 (1951) 63-70.

"Théologie et présence de Dieu: d'après saint Bonaventure." L'Année théologique. 12 (1951) 321-334.

"Théologie et présence de Dieu: les voies de l'union mystique d'après un opuscule de saint Bonaventure." L'Année théologique. 12 (1951) 233-238.

Unsigned. "Actualités Oecuméniques." La Documentation Catholique. 49 (1952) 1253-1272.

"Catholiques et protestants en Amérique latine." La Documentation Catholique. 49 (1952) 1645-1651.

"Contrats et conflits collectifs du travail. V.-La grève devant la morale." La Documentation Catholique. 49 (1952) 365-369.

"Épiscopat et Églises libres." La Documentation Catholique. 49 (1952) 883-888.
"La structure de l'expérience fruitive. Analyse de quelques textes de S. Bonaventure." Études franciscaines. 3 (1952) 205-211.

"Note sur le «Groupe de Hilversum»." La Documentation Catholique. 49 (1952) 1251-1252.

"Prions pour l'unité de l'Église. La part des théologiens et la part des fidèles." Prêtre et Apôtre. 398 (1952, 15 Janvier) 1-2.

"Un sermon du Dr Fisher, archevêque de Cantorbéry." La Documentation Catholique. (1952) 689-692.

"The Unconditional Concern: The Theology of Paul Tillich." Thought. 28 (1953) 234-246.

"Peace Among Christians." Integrity. 7, 10 (1953, July) 33-37.

"The Pentecostal Life." Integrity. 8, 2 (1953, November) 7-11.

"L'esprit oecuménique dans l'Evangile." Unitas. 6, 12 (1953, November-December) 125-126.

"Some Remarks on the Liturgy as Tradition." Worship. 28 (1953-1954) 466-471.

"Holy Church or Holy Writ: A Dilemma of the Fourteenth Century." Church History. 23 (1954) 195-206.

"Mercy for Sinners." Integrity. 8, 9 (1954, June) 11-17.

"Scripture, Tradition and History." The Downside Review. 72 (1954) 232-244.

"The Form of the Servant." The Third Hour. (1954) 60-62.

"Conversion of the Nations." Integrity. 9, 3 (1954, December) 15-22.

"Damascus and the Present Situation." Integrity. 8, 11 (1954, August) 20-25.

Unsigned. "A Roman Catholic Looks at Evanston." The Living Church. (1954, 19 September) 10, 13. Tavard was present as a journalist.

Unsigned. "Ethical Issues at Evanston." The Christian Century. (1954, October) 1265-1267. Written by Tavard for a German reporter.

"Christianity and Israel: Is the Church Schismatic?" The Downside Review. 73 (1954-1955) 347-358.

"De Oosterse kerken in de Verenigde Staten." Het Christelijk Oosten en Hereniging. 7 (1954-1955) 57-72.

"Het Kerkbegrip te Evanston." Het Christelijk Oosten en Hereniging. 7 (1954-1955) 109-128.

"A Forgotten Theology of Inspiration: Nikolaus Ellenbog's Refutation of Scriptura Sola." Franciscan Studies. 15 (1955) 106-122.

"L'Assemblée d'Evanston." Lumière et vie. 19 (1955) 110-116.

"Le statut prospectif de la théologie bonaventurienne." Revue des études augustiniennes. (1955) 251-263.

"Theology in a Technological Age." Integrity. 10, 2 (1955, November) 7-15.

"Conversion from Catholicism." Integrity. 9, 12 (1955, September) 24-32.

"Un point de vue catholique sur l'ecclésiologie d'Evanston." Foi et vie. 53 (1955, janvier-février) 54-64.

"Oecumenische Kroniek." Het Christelijk Oosten en Hereniging. 8 (1955-1956) 265-271.

Signed Émile Gabel. "Évasion des prisonniers." Catholicisme. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1956. vol. 4: 773-775.

Signed Émile Gabel. "Franc-tireurs." Catholicisme. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1956. vol. 4: 1510-1512.

"Protestantism: Spirit vs. System." Commonweal. 65 (1956) 281-283.

"The Transfiguration of Thought: Simone Weil's Dialectic." The Third Hour. (1956) 52-56.

"Sacrament of the Sick." Integrity. 10, 6 (1956, March) 25-33.

"From Free Choice to Freedom." Integrity. 10, 5 (1956, February) 9-17.

"The Liturgical Event." Worship. 31 (1956-1957) 319-327.

"Christianity and Israel: How Did Christ Fulfill the Law?" The Downside Review. 75 (1957) 55-68.
"Christianity and the Philosophies of Existence." Theological Studies. 18 (1957) 1-16.

"El Catolicismo en los Estados Unidos." Arbor. 36 (1957) 59-76.

"The Catholic Reform in the Sixteenth Century." Church History. 26 (1957) 275-288.

"Kroniek van de Verenigde Staten." Het Christelijk Oosten en Hereniging. 10 (1957-1958) 211-214.

"Le Protestantisme." Panorama. (1958, January) 20-24.

"The Coming Council." Jubilee. 6, 12 (1958-1959, April) 8-15.

"Catholicity and Non-Catholic Christians." The Downside Review. 77 (1959) 205-216.

"Le thème de la Cité de Dieu dans le protestantisme américain." Revue des études augustiniennes. (1959) 207-221.

"Opening the Windows." Apostolic Perspectives. 4 (1959) 17-18.

"The Intellect and the Spiritual Life." Spiritual Life. 5 (1959) 179-192.

"The Need for Roots." Sponsa Regis. 31 (1959) 99-106.

"Your Job in Christian Unity." Ave Maria. (1959, August) 5-8.

"Catholic Views on Karl Barth." The Christian Century. (1959, February) 132-133.

"The Riddle of Roman Catholicism." Journal of Religion. 40 (1960) 43-46.

"Le Monde Luthérien." Eaux-Vives. 205 (1960, février) 45-47.

"The Laity in the Ecumenical Movement." The Monitor. (1960, November).

"Liturgical Themes in Recent Protestant Books." Worship. 35 (1960-1961) 617-621.

"The Eucharist in Protestantism." Worship. 35 (1960-1961) 184-190.

"Tradition and Scripture." Worship. 35 (1960-1961) 375-381.

"The Eucharist." Jubilee. 8, 2 (1960-1961, June) 8-11.

"Is Tradition a Problem for Catholics?" Union Seminary Quarterly Review. 16 (1961) 375-384.
"The Recovery of an Organic Notion of Tradition." The Liturgy and Unity in Christ. North American Liturgical Week Proceedings 1960. 21 (1961) 122-129.

"The Role of the Laity in the Ecumenical Movement." Crosslight. (1961, Summer) 44-52.

"Anglican Piety." Worship. 36 (1961-1962) 496-500.

"Ecumenism Today." Jubilee. 9, 9 (1961-1962, January) 21-25.

"Le principe protestant et le système théologique de Paul Tillich." Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques. (1962) 242-253.

"New Delhi and Unity." Perspectives. 7 (1962) 96-98, 103.

"The Authority of Scripture and Tradition. An Anglo-French Symposium." Problems of Authority. Edited by J.M. Todd. London: Darton, Longman, and Todd, 1962. 27-42. French: "L'Autorité de l'Écriture et la Tradition." Problèmes de l'autorité. Un colloque Anglo-Français. Unam Sanctam, 38. Paris: Le Éditions du Cerf, 1962. 39-58. German: Probleme du Autorität. Düsseldorf: Patmos-Verlag, 1967. Italian: Problemi dell'autorità. Biblioteca di cultura religiosi, 2a ser, 77. Roma: Edizioni Paoline, 1964.

"The Face We Give the Church; Sermon Excerpts." Catholic Messenger. 80 (1962) 10.

"The Holy Tradition." Dialogue for Reunion: The Catholic Premises. Edited by Leonard Swidler. New York: Herder and Herder, 1962. 54-88.

"Tradition in Early Post-Tridentine Theology." Theological Studies. 23 (1962) 377-405.

"Vatican II: The End of the Counter Reformation." Catholic Messenger. 80 (1962) 5-6.

"The Ecumenical Movement in Contemporary Catholicism." The Ecumenical Dialogue at Cornell University. Ithaca, NY: Cornell United Religious Work, 1962, December. 95-108.

"The Scope of Christian Culture." The Christian Scholar. (1962, Summer) 118-129.

"Dienstbaarheid in New Delhi." Het Christelijk Oosten en Hereniging. 15 (1962-1963) 52-72.

"Other Horizons: Reformed Piety." Worship. 37 (1962-1963) 406-411.

"Reunion and Liturgy." Worship. 37 (1962-1963) 69-74.
"Tillich's Christology." Jubilee. 10, 2 (1962-1963, June) 16-19.

With Paul Tillich. Ecumenical Perspectives: Catholic & Ecumenical Perspectives: Protestant. Ecumenical Exchange, 1. Kansas City: Kansas City Newman Foundation, 1963. Pamphlet of 13 pages. Also published in Dublin Review, 1965.

Theology of the Word. Doctrinal Pamphlet Series. Glen Rock, NJ: Paulist Press, 1963. Also included in Meditation on the Word, pp. 15-38.

"Christianity in Encounter: A Lesson in Ecumenism." The Current. 4, 2 (1963) 91-97.

"Christopher Davenport and the Problem of Tradition." Theological Studies. 24 (1963) 278-290.

"Irenic Dimensions of the Liturgical Movement." The American Benedictine Review. 14 (1963) 175-177.

"Scripture and Tradition in Pastoral Perspective." The Catholic World. 198 (1963) 14-20.

"The Council and the Reform of the Church." Continuum. 1 (1963) 295-303.

"The Laity and Ecumenism." Perspectives. 8 (1963) 4-8.

"The Problem of Tradition Today." Ecumenist. 1 (1963) 33-36. Reprinted in Ecumenical Theology Today. Edited by Gregory Baum, O.S.A. Glen Rock, NJ:Paulist Press, 1964. 18-27.

"Theology in the Catholic College." Commonweal. 78 (1963) 273-275. Replies and rejoinder in 78:455-457.

"The Liturgy of the Word." Worship. 38 (1963-1964) 620-625.

"Desmitologización del NT." Enciclopedie de la Biblia. 6 volumes. Barcelona: Ediciones Garriga, 1963-1965. 2: 874-877. Italian edition: "Smitizzazione del NT." Enciclopedia della Bibbia. 6 volumes. Torino-Leumann: Elle Di Ci, 1969-1971. 6:555-560.

"Exégesis protestante, Principios de la." Enciclopedie de la Biblia. 6 volumes. Barcelona: Ediciones Garriga, 1963-1969. 3: 338-345. Italian edition: "Esegesi Protestante, Principi della." Enciclopedia della Bibbia. 6 volumes. Torino-Leumann: Elle Di Ci, 1969-1971. :71-78.

"Ecumenical Perspectives: Catholic." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 1 (1964) 99-105.

"Paul Tillich's System." Commonweal. 79 (1964) 566-568.

"Scripture and Tradition - Source or Sources." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 1 (1964) 445-459.

"Scripture and Tradition Among Seventeenth-Century Recusants." Theological Studies. 25 (1964) 343-385.

"The Council, the Press and Theology." The Catholic World. 199 (1964) 337-344.

"Vocacion al Ecumenism." Dialogos de la Cristiandad. Edited by Luis Romeu. Salamanca: Sigueme, 1964. 285-296.

"What Anglicans Mean by Catholicity...Is a New Approach Possible?" The Lamp. (1964, June) 9, 26, 28.

“Marian Questions.” (Talks at The American Bishops’ Press Panel, Vatican Council II. September 24, 1964). Council Daybook, Session III, Sept. 14 – November 21, 1964. Washington: NCWC, 1965. 50-53.

“Constitution on the Church ‘Memorable Achievement’” (Talk at the American Bishops’ Press Panel, Vatican Council II. October 9, 1964). Council Daybook. Session III, 1964. Washington: NCWC. 1965. 121-123.

"Het Probleem van de Traditie te Montreal." Het Christelijk Oosten en Hereniging. 17 (1964-1965) 19-43.

With Paul Tillich. Ecumenical Exchangte. Kansas City, MO: Newman Foundation, University of Missouri, May 26, 1963. Reprinted in Dublin Review. 239 (1965) 162-182.

"Christ as the Answer to Existential Anguish." Paul Tillich in Catholic Thought. Edited by T.A. O'Meara & C.D. Weisser. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1965. 224-236. American version: Dubuque: Priory Press, 1964.

"Christology as Symbol." Paul Tillich in Catholic Thought. Edited by T.A. O'Meara & C.D. Weisser. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1965. 207-223. American version: Dubuque: Priory Press, 1964.

"Conditional Re-Baptism." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 2 (1965) 480-484.

"Freedom and Responsibility in the Religious Life." Continuum. 2 (1965) 575-586.

"Monotheism." Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. 7:315-318.

"Polytheism." Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. 8:557-558.

"The Meaning of Scripture." Scripture and Ecumenism: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish. Edited by Leonard J. Swidler. Duquesne Studies Theological Series, 3. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1965. 59-73.

"The Mystery of the Church in the Liturgical Constitution." Worship. 39 (1965) 11-16.

"The Protestant Principle and the Theological System of Paul Tillich." Paul Tillich in Catholic Thought. Edited by T.A. O'Meara & C.D. Weisser. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1965. 85-96. American version: Dubuque: Priory Press, 1964.

"Tradition." Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. 11:37-40.

"Women in the Church: A Theological Problem?" Ecumenist. 4 (1965) 7-10.

"Doctrinal Development." The Catholic World. 202 (1965-1966) 336-340. Part II of a three-article series. See "The Changing Church," The Catholic World, 202 (1965-1966).

"The Changing Church." The Catholic World. 202 (1965-1966) 267-270. Part I of a three-article series.

The Changing Church. Doctrinal Pamphlet Series. Glen Rock, NJ: Paulist Press, 1966. Pamphlet of 30 pages.

"Commentary on De Revelatione." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 3 (1966) 1-35.

"Evolution in Moral Theology." The Catholic World. 203 (1966) 29-32. Part III of a three-article series. See "The Changing Church," The Catholic World, 202 (1965-1966).

"Tentative Approaches to a Mystique of Unity." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 3 (1966) 503-518.

"The Council's Declaration on Non-Christians." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 3 (1966) 160-166.

"Ecumenism of the Future." Columbia. 46 (1966, August) 19-23.

"Pacifism and America." The Sign. (1966, August) 16. Comments with several other people.

"Alzon, Emmanuel d'." New Catholic Encyclopedia. Edited by The Catholic University of America. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. 1:362-363.

"Assumptionists." New Catholic Encyclopedia. Edited by The Catholic University of America. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. 1:975-976.

"Christ as the Answer to Existential Anguish." The Christian Human Situation. Winona: St. Mary's College Press, 1967. 22-35. Reprint of the article of 1965 of the same title.

"Decree on Ecumenism: Commentary." American Participation in the II Vatican Council. Edited by Vincent A. Yzermans. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1967. 321-334.

"Protestantism." New Catholic Encyclopedia. Edited by The Catholic University of America. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. 11:891-899.

"The Function of the Minister in the Eucharistic Celebration. An Ecumenical Approach." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 4 (1967) 629-649.

"The New Triumphalism." Continuum. 5 (1967) 356-360.

"Women in the Church: a Theological Problem." Ecumenical Theology II. Edited by Gregory Baum. New York: Paulist Press, 1967. 32-40.

"Putting First Principles First." Theology Today. 24 (1967-1968) 232-233.

"Does the Protestant Ministry have Sacramental Significance?" Continuum. 6 (1968) 260-269.

"Ecumenism and Religious Indifference." Chicago Studies. 7 (1968) 201-212.

"Hans Küng's Church." Continuum. 6 (1968) 106-111. German version entitled "Option für das Ursprüngliche?" in 1971.

"Scripture and Tradition." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 5 (1968) 308-325.

"Theses on Future Forms of Ministry." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 5 (1968) 726-729. Also in Pro Veritate (Johannesburg) 7 (1968) 9-10. Used in the conclusion of A Theology for Ministry.

"The Non-encyclical on Birth Control." Challenge (1968, September-October) 18-24. From Johannesburg, South Africa. Also published in The National Catholic Reporter 4 (1968) 7.

"Roman Catholic Theology and Recognition of Ministry." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 6 (1969) 623-628. Also in Eucharist and Ministry (1970, reprint 1979).

"The Depths of the Tradition." Continuum. 7 (1969) 427-437.

"The Present Ecumenical Movement: A Personal View." One in Christ. 5 (1969) 248-262.

"A Catholic Perspective." COCU: A Catholic Perspective. Washington, D.C.: USCC Publications Office, 1970. 28-45. COCU=Consultation on Church Union.

"Ecumenical Dimensions: a New Hope and Vision of Unity." The Pilgrim People: A Vision with Hope. Edited by Joseph Papin. Villanova University Series, 4. Villanova, PA: The Villanova University Press, 1970. 143-167.

"Ministri Vagantes." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 7 (1970) 777-779.

"Pluralism or Ecumenism." One in Christ. 6 (1970) 123-134.

"Problems of a Wider Ecumenism." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 7 (1970) 522-525.

"Roman Catholic Theology and Recognition of Ministry." Eucharist and Ministry. Edited by P.C. Empie and T.A. Murphy. Lutheran and Catholics in Dialogue, 4. Washington and New York: U.S.A. National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation and the Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, 1970. 301-305. Reprinted, Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House, 1979. Also in Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 6 (1969) 623-627.

"The Exit of American Catholic Theologians." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 7 (1970) 310-313.

"Anglican Orders - again!." One in Christ. 7 (1971) 46-53.

"Aspects iconographiques du problème de la tradition." Église et Théologie. (1971) 309-320. In Dutch: "Ikonografische aspecten van het traditieprobleem," in Het Christelijk Oosten en Hereniging 23 (1971) 23-34. "Hierarchia veritatum. A Preliminary Investigation." Theological Studies. 32 (1971) 278-289.

"On Christians and Jews . . . and Moslems." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 8 (1971) 341-344.

"On Method and Ministry." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 8 (1971) 620-622.

"Option für das Ursprüngliche?" Diskussion um Hans Küng `Die Kirche'. Edited by Hermann Häring and Josef Nolte. Article translated by Karlhermann Bergner. Freiburg: Herder, 1971. 84-91. Originally in Continuum 6 (1968).
"A Theological Approach to Ministerial Authority." The Jurist. 32 (1972) 311-329.

"Can the Ministry be Re-constructed?" Transcendence and Immanence: Reconstruction in the Light of Process Thinking: Festschrift in Honour of J. Papin. Edited by Joseph Armenti. St. Meinrad, IN: Abbey Press, 1972. 85-98. Very badly edited according to Tavard. Corrected version in A Theology for Ministry (1983).

"The Confrontation Correspondence." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 9 (1972) 101-103.

"The Mythical Structure of the Church." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 9 (1972) 352-355.

"La Tradición y su problemática actual." Criterio. (1972, 10 August) 424-427.

"Ecumenism in Ethics." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 10 (1973) 575-576.

"Episcopacy and Apostolic Succession according to Hincmar of Reims." Theological Studies. 34 (1973) 594-623.

"On Israel: Reflections with Sadness." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 10 (1973) 367-369.

"St. Bonaventure as Mystic and Theologian." The Heritage of the Early Church: Essays in Honor of The Very Reverend Georges Vasilievich Florovsky. Edited by David Neiman and Margaret Schatkin. Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 195. Rome: Pontificium Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1973. 289-306.

"Un langage oecuménique est-il possible?" Culture et Croyance. (1973) 46-55.

"Ethical Ghettos in the Ecumenical Age." Worldview. 17 (1974) 10-12.

"Is There a Catholic Ecclesiology?" Catholic Theological Society of America Proceedings. 29 (1974) 367-380. Responses to this presentation on pp. 381-395.

"Succession et ordre dans la structure de l'Église." Sanctus Bonaventura 1274-1974. Edited by J.G. Bougerol, et al. 5 volumes, 1972-1974. Rome: Collegio S. Bonaventura Grottaferrata, 1974. 4:421-446.

"The Bull Unam Sanctam of Boniface VIII." Papal Primacy and the Universal Church. Edited by P.C. Empie and T.A. Murphy. Lutheran and Catholics in Dialogue, 5. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House, 1974. 105-119.

"The Papacy in the Middle Ages." Papal Primacy and the Universal Church. Edited by P.C. Empie and T.A. Murphy. Lutheran and Catholics in Dialogue, 5. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House, 1974. 98-105.

"The Recognition of Ministry." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 11 (1974) 65-84.

"What is the Petrine Function?" Papal Primacy and the Universal Church. Edited by P.C. Empie and T.A. Murphy. Lutheran and Catholics in Dialogue, 5. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House, 1974. 208-212.

"Sexist Language in Theology?" Theological Studies. 36 (1975) 700-724. Reprinted in 1977.

"The Roman Catholic Church." The Ordination of Women: Pro and Con. Edited by Michael P. Hamilton and Nancy S. Montgomery. New York: Morehouse-Barlow, 1975. 112-125.

"Locating the Divine." Worldview. (1975, June) 45-46.

"A Theologian Challenges Margaret Farley's Position." Women and Catholic Priesthood: An Expanded Vision. Edited by Anne Marie Gardiner, S.S.N.D. New York: Paulist Press, 1976. 52-57.

"The Papacy and Christian Symbolism." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 13 (1976) 345-358. Also translated in Spanish as "Papado y simbolism cristiano," in Selecciones de teologia 1968 (?) 230-235.

"Tradition in Theology: A Methodological Approach." Perspectives on Scripture and Tradition. Edited by Joseph F. Kelly. Notre Dame, IN: Fides Publishers, 1976. 105-125.

"Tradition in Theology: A Problematic Approach." Perspectives on Scripture and Tradition. Edited by Joseph F. Kelly. Notre Dame, IN: Fides Publishers, 1976. 84-104.

"Antiphon: a Review." The Story. (1976, November) 7.

"Beyond Male and Female." Catholic Charismatic. 1 (1977) 39-43.

"Is the Papacy an Object of Faith." One in Christ. 13 (1977) 220-228.

"Paul and the Status of Women." Crosstalk. 6 (1977). Two parts.

"Sexist Language in Theology." Women. New Dimensions. Edited by Walter Burghardt. New York: Paulist Press, 1977. 124-148. Reprint of article of 1975.

"The Scholastic Doctrine." Women Priests: A Catholic Commentary on the Vatican Declaration. Edited by Leonard Swidler and Arlene Swidler. New York: Paulist Press, 1977. 99-106.

"Methodist Dialogue." The Tablet. 232 (1978) 197-198 and 230-232.

"Infallibility: A Structural Analysis." Teaching Authority and Infallibility in the Church. Edited by P.C. Empie, T.A. Austin, and J.A. Burgess. Lutheran and Catholics in Dialogue, 6. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House, 1978, 1980. 169-185.

"For a Theology of Dialogue." One in Christ. 15 (1979) 11-20.

With Richard P. McBrien, John T. Finnegan, George W. MacRae, and Richard A. McCormick. "The Bilateral Consultations between the Roman Catholic Church in the United States and other Christian Communions." Catholic Theological Society of America Proceedings. 34 (1979) 253-285.

"The Christological Tradition of the Latin Fathers." Dialog. 18 (1979) 265-270.

"The Church as Eucharistic Communion in Medieval Theology." Continuity and Discontinuity in Church History: Essays Presented to George Huntston Williams on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Edited by F.Forrester Church and Timothy George. Studies in the History of Christian Thought, 19. Leiden: Brill, 1979. 92-103.

"Jean-Martin Moye." Dizionario degli Instituti di Perfezione. Roma: Edizioni Paoline, 1980. 6:180-183.

"The Anglican-Roman Catholic Agreed Statements and their Reception." Theological Studies. 41 (1980) 74-97.

"The Bi-lateral Dialogues: Searching for Language." One in Christ. 16 (1980) 19-30.

"The Bi-lateral Dialogues: Speaking Together." One in Christ. 16 (1980) 30-42.

"The Coincidence of Opposites: A Recent Interpretation of Bonaventure." Theological Studies. 41 (1980) 576-584.

"Lutherans and Roman Catholics in Dialogue. 1980 - A Year of Ecumenical Celebration." Ecumenical Trends. 9, 1 (1980, January) 8-10. Reprinted as "The Augustana and the Ecumenical Fathers," in Lutheran Forum (Pentecost 1980) 9-10.

"Dämonen. V: Kirchengeschichtlich." Theologische Realenzyklopädie. Edited by Gerhard Krause and Gerhard Müller. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1981. volume 8:286-300.
"The Christology of the Mystics (8th-18th c.)." Theological Studies. 42 (1981) 561-579.

"The Reconciliation of Ministries." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 18 (1981) 267-280.

"Engel. V: Kirchengeschichtlich." Theologische Realenzyklopädie. Edited by Gerhard Krause and Gerhard Müller. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1982. 9:599-609.

"Discussion Comments." Ecclesiam suam: Première Lettre Encyclique de Paul VI. Colloque International, Rome, 24-26 October 1980. Brescia: Istituto Paolo VI, 1982. 170-171.

"French Catholic Ecumenism." Ecumenist. 21 (1982-1983) 41-44.

"Pourquoi Jean-Martin Moye rentra-t-il de Chine?" Nouvelle revue de science missionaire. (1983) 161-177.

"Reassessing the Reformation." One in Christ. 19 (1983) 355-367.

"What Elements Determine the Ecumenicity of a Council?" Concilium: The Ecumenical Council. Its Significance in the Constitution of the Church. Edited by P. Huizing and K. Walf. 167 (1983) 45-49. With versions in French, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch.

"Review Article of Richard McBrien's Catholicism." Religious Studies Review. 9, 2 (1983, April) 116-118.

"The Future of the Church in the US. Response to a Question." Social Justice Review. (1983, January-February).

"Eucharistic Communion as Horizon for Ministry." Emmanuel. 89, 7 (1983, September) 370-377.

"Ecclesiology." Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Edited by Joseph R. Strayer. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1984. 4:372-378.

"Are Bi-Lateral Dialogues Obsolete?" Ecumenical Trends. 14 (1985) 105-107.

"Reflections on the `Unrestricted Desire to Know'." The Josephinum Journal of Theology. 4 (1985) 3-18.

"Response to William Lazareth." Eucharist and Ecumenical Life. Edited by Ronald P. Byars. Lexington, KY: Kentucky Council of Churches, 1985. 20-23. Lazareth's presentation was entitled, "Unity and Communion in the Body of Christ" (pp. 10-20).

"Roman Catholic Reflections on Melanchthon's De Potestate et Primatu Papae." Concordia Theological Quarterly. 49 (1985) 253-266.

"The Contemporary Relevance of Justification by Faith." One in Christ. 21 (1985) 131-138.

"Engel." Lexikon des Mittelalters. München un Zürich: Artemis Verlag, 1986. :1906-1909.

"Infallibility: a Survey and a Proposal." One in Christ. 22 (1986) 24-43.

"Praying Together: Communicatio in sacris in the Decree on Ecumenism." Vatican II: By Those Who Were There. Edited by Alberic Stacpoole. London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1986. 202-219.

"St. Augustine between Mani and Christ." The Patristic and Byzantine Review. 5 (1986) 196-206.

"Justification: The Dilemma of the Sixteenth Century." Philosophy and Theology. 1 (1986-1987) 267-281.

"Justification: The Problem of the Twentieth Century." Philosophy and Theology. 1 (1986-1987) 347-360.

"Apostolic Life and Church Reform." Christian Spirituality II: High Middle Ages and Reformation. Edited by J. Raitt, in collaboration with B. McGinn and J. Meyendorff. World Spirituality, 17. New York: Crossroad, 1987. 1-11.

"Response to Interpretation, History and the Ecumenical Movement." Ecumenical Trends. 16 (1987) 128-130. Response to article by Jeffrey Gros, FSC, pp. 117-121.

"The Meaning of Melchizedek for Contemporary Ministry." The Pastor as Priest. Edited by Earl E. Shelp and Ronald H. Sunderland. Pastoral Ministry Series. New York: Pilgrim Press, 1987. 64-85.

"The Ordination of Women." One in Christ. 23 (1987) 200-211.

"The Recognition of Ministry: What is the Priority?" One in Christ. 23 (1987) 21-35.

"Theology and Sexuality." Women in the World's Religions, Past and Present. Edited by Ursula King. God: The Contemporary Discussion Series. New York: Paragon House, 1987. 68-80.
"Tradition." The New Dictionary of Theology. Edited by Joseph A. Komonchak, Mary Collins, and Dermot A. Lane. Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier, 1987. 1037-1041.

"L'oecuménisme aujourd'hui." L'Assomption et ses Oeuvres. (1987, Spring) 24-25.

"Luther's Teaching on Prayer." Lutheran Theological Seminary Bulletin. 67 (1987, Winter) 3-22. Reprinted in Encounters with Luther, vol. 4 (1990) 41-60.

"Possession." Catholicisme. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1988. :661-667.

"The Ordained Ministry in Historical Ambiguity." Doctrine and Life. 38 (1988) 466-77.

"The Ordained Ministry: Where Does It Fit?" Doctrine and Life. 38 (1988) 518-29.

"The Problem of Space and Time in the Confessions of St. Augustine." Dialogue & Alliance. 2 (1988) 49-55. Included in Les jardins de Saint Augustin: Lecture des `Confessions'.

"Tradition as Koinonia in Historical Perspective." One in Christ. 24 (1988) 97-111.

"Ecumenical Theology and the Catholic Church." One in Christ. 25 (1989) 103-113.

"Het probleem van de geünieerde kerken." Het Christelijk Oosten en Hereniging. 41 (1989) 252-261.

"Justification in Dialogue." One in Christ. 25 (1989) 299-310.

"Justification." New Catholic Encyclopedia. Edited by The Catholic University of America. Supplement, 1978-1988. Palatine, IL: Jack Heraty & Associates, 1989. 18:233-234.

With Gerald Moede and William Norgren. "Observations by Other Lutheran Dialogue Partners." The Leuenberg Agreement and Lutheran-Reformed Relationships. Edited by William G. Rusch and Daniel F. Martensen. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg, 1989. 115-122. Tavard's section is pp. 119-122.

And R. William Franklin. "Commentary on ARC/USA Statement on Anglican Orders." Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 27 (1990) 261-287.

"Luther's Teaching on Prayer." Encounters with Luther. Volume 4. Gettysburg: Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1990. 41-60. Reprint of 1987 article.

"Ordination of Women." The New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship. Edited by Peter E. Fink, S.J. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1990. 910-915.

"Puritanisme." Catholicisme. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1990. 12:316-320.

"Quakers (Société des Amis)." Catholicisme. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1990. 12:335-338.

"Réveils." Catholicisme. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1990. 12:1041-1046.

"Satan dans la catéchèse." Lumen Vitae. 45 (1990) 395-404.

"The Contemporary Role of Women in the Catholic Church." Forty-third Annual Conference of the American Theological Library Association. Summary of Proceedings for 1989. 43 (1990) 95-103.

"The Doctrine of Justification in Ecumenical Discussions." Ecumenical Trends. 19 (1990) 17-19.

"The Veneration of Saints as an Ecumenical Question." One in Christ. 26 (1990) 40-50. Also appears in Walking Together. Roman Catholics and Ecumenism Twenty-five Years after Vatican II. Edited by Thaddeus D. Horgan. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1990.

"The Veneration of Saints: an Ecumenical Question." The Catholic World. 233 (1990, September-October) 233-239.

"The View from the Gallery." The Catholic World. 233 (1990, September-October) 215.

"Ecumenical Relations." Modern Catholicism: Vatican II and After. Edited by Adrian Hastings. New York: Oxford University Press and London: SPCK, 1991. 398-421.

"Personal Reflections on d'Alzon and Ecumenism." Vocet. 13, 1 (1991) 3. Vocation newsletter of the Assumptionists in North America.

“The Pilgrimage in the Works of Juana Ines de la Cruz.” Dialogue and Alliance, Winter 1992-93, vol. 6/4, 49-63

“The Work of ARC-USA: Reflections post-factum.” One in Christ, 1993/3, 247-259

“The Dialogue between Methodists and Catholics.” One in Christ, 1994/2, 176-183

“ARCIC on Authority.” G. R. Evans and M. Gourgues, eds., Communion and Reunion. Mélanges Jean-Marie Roger Tillard, Louven; Leuven University Press, 1995, 185-198

“For a Dialogue on Sacraments.” One in Christ, 1995/2, 122-145

Foreword and Introductions, Blessed John Martin Moye. Dogma of Grace. tr. by SisterMary Huber, CDP, 1995, pp. XI-XII, 3-4, 53-55, 89-90, 115-116

“The Final Report, Witness to Tradition.” One in Christ, 1996/2, 118-129

“The Bible in Ecumenism.” One in Christ, 1996/2, 310-322

Apostolicae curae and the Snares of Tradition,” Anglican Theological Review, Winter 1996, 30-47

“The Virgin Mary and the Baroque Image.” Marian Studies, vol. XLVIII (1997), 60-86

“Mary’s Role in Ecumenical Dialogue.” One in Christ, 1997/3, 222-232

“The Spirituality of Saint Joan.” Mary Elizabeth Tallon, ed., Joan at the University, Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1997, 43-58.

St. Jeanne d’Arc as Peace-maker” (Dialogue and Alliance, Spring/Summer 1998, vol. 12/1, 75-89)

“The Ecclesial Dimension of Ecclesiology.” Peter C. Phan, ed., The Gift of the Church. A Textbook on Ecclesiology in Honor of Patrick Granfield, O.S.B., Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2000, 215-230

“Ethique et mystique chez Jean de la Croix.” Revue d’éthique et de théologie morale. n. 215. Décembre 2000, 99-108

“Sister-Churches in the Twenty-first Century?” Proceedings. Orientale Lumen. Australasia-Oceania 2000, July 9-12 2000, Melbourne: Australian Catholic University, 2000, 1-22

“George Fox among Christian Mystics.” Quaker Theology, n. 2, Spring 2000, vol. 2/1.

“Woman, Faith, and Theology.” Anglican Theological Review, Summer 2000, 627-630

“A Clarification on the Filioque?” Anglican Theological Review, Summer 2001, 507-514 (also in book form: Robert Boak Slocum, ed., Engaging the Spirit. Essays on the Life and Theology of the Holy Spirit, New York: Church Publishing, 2001, 137-144)

“Papal Primacy and its Canonical Formulation.” The Jurist, 59 (1999, i.e. 2002), 377-408

“Jeanne and the Clergy,” Ann W. Astell and Bonnie Wheeler, eds., Joan of Arc and Spirituality, New York: Palgrave, 2003, 129-146

“American Contributions to Vatican II’s Documents on Ecumenism and on Religious Liberty,” Chicaco Studies, Spring 2003, vol. 42/1, 17-30 (with correction in vol.42/2)

“Historical Introduction. The Political and Intellectual Context of the Nineteenth Century in France,” in Gaétan Bernoville, Emmanuel d’Alzon, no place: Bayard, 2003, 13-25

“The Mystery of Divine Providence,” Theological Studies, December 2003, vol. 64, n.4, 707-718 (presidential address, American Theological Society, Princeton, April 2003)

«The Secretariat for Unity and Ecumenism » . William Madges and Michael J. Daley, eds., Vatican II. Forty Personal Stories, Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 2003 , p. 159-162.

“American Contributions to Vatican II’s Documents on Ecumenism and on Religious Liberty”. Chicago Studies, vol.42/1, Spring 2003, p. 17-30

“Overcoming the Anathemas: A Catholic View”. Joseph A. Burgess and Marc Kolden, By Faith Alone. Essays on Justification in Honor of Gerhard O. Forde, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004, 140-166

Introduccion. Juan Martin Moye. La Vida del Padre Louis Jobal de Pagny, Cali: Publicaciones Providencia, 5-6

“The Genesis of Mariology”. Amy-Jill Levine, ed., A Faminist Companion to Mariology, London: T & T Clark International, 2005, 107-120

“A Theological Exploration”. Diane C. Kessler, ed., Receive One Another. Hospitality in Ecumenical Perspective. Geneva: World Council of Churches, 2005, 26-42

“A Reflection on the Joint Declaration on Justification and the Reformed Tradition”. Michael W. Goheen and Margaret O'Gara, eds., That the World May Believe. Essays on Mission and Unity in Honour of George Vandervelde. Lanham: University Press of America, 2006, 187-201

“Sisters and Strangers”. Masha L. Dutton and Patrick Terrell Gray, eds., One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. Studies in Christian Ecclesiality and Ecumenism in Honor of J. Robert Wright, Grand Rapids: Eerdmanns, 2006, 325-337

“Vers une Ecclésiologie aux dimensions du monde”.Gilles Routhier and Laurent Villemin, eds., Nouveaux Apprentissages pour l'Eglise. Mélanges en l'honneur de Hervé Legrand, o.p., Paris: Le Cerf, 2006, 145-157.

“Hospitality as Ecumenial Paradigm”. (Centro pro Unione. Semi-annual Bulletin. n. 69 – Spring 2006, 9-19.

Other: Relevant Book Reviews and Unpublished Pieces

"Review of Église d'Églises: L'Écclésiologie de communion by J.-M.-R. Tillard (Paris: Cerf, 1987)." Theological Studies. 49 (1988) 349-351.

"Various Questions." Unpublished letter in response to questions by Bishop Elko (Byzantine Diocese of Pittsburgh) during the Council (1965 (?)) 1-5. Deals with the following issues: communicatio in sacris, mixed marriages, and re-baptism/conditional baptism of converts.

"Lessons of Ecumenism for Catholic Theology." Meeting of The Catholic heological Society of America, 1991. Unpublished Presentation (1991), 10 pages.

Contributions (about 25) to Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, eds., An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, New York: Church Publishing, 1999

Articles: “Justification”, “Anglican Ordinations”, “Apostolicae curae”, “Satis Cognitum”, “Emmanuel d’Alzon”. The New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition, Washington: CUA, 2002

“Theology, North American.” Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement, 2nd Edition, Geneva: WCC, 2002, 1124-1126

"L’Eucharistie en contexte oecuménique. Réflexions d’un catholique." in Maurice Brouard, ed., Eucharistia. Encyclopédie de l’Eucharistie, Paris : Editions du Cerf, 2003, 709-714.

"Introduccion". Juan Martin Moye : La Vida del Padre Louis Jobal de Pagny. Cali: Publicaciones Providencia. 2004. 5-6.

"A Catholic Preface." Communio Sanctorum. The Church as the Communion of Saints. Official Catholic-Lutheran Dialogue, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2005, xii-xiii.


Newspaper Articles


"La morale chrétienne est-elle une morale du péché ou une morale de la perfection?" La Croix. (1951, 9 avril).

Unsigned. "D'un sujet délicat: La juste guerre." La Croix. (1951, 12 décembre).

"Morale chrétienne, morale «nouvelle»." La Croix. (1951-1952).

Under Henri Dravat. "Le méthodisme." La Croix. (1951-1952 ?).

"Sens de l'unité." La Croix. (1952, 15 janvier).

Under Eric D. Swanson. "Billet d'Amérique." La Croix de Belgique. (1953-1954 ?).

"L'abbé Pierre a voulu voir les milliers de taudis des quartiers où les touristes ne vont pas." La Croix. (1955, 5 mai).

"Éducation liturgique aux États-Unis. La Semaine d'études de Worcester." La Croix. (1955, 20 septembre).

"Prière et unité." La Croix. (1955, 25 janvier).

"Une "Semaine théologique" en Amérique." La Croix. (1955, 26 juillet).

"Un Institut d'études judéo-chrétiennes." La Croix. (1958, 28 octobre).

"Les catholiques dans la vie américaine." La Croix. (1959 ?).

"Questioning Knowledge." The McAuleyan. (1959, 5 October). Student newspaper at Mt. Mercy College, Pittsburgh.

"Aux U.S.A.: Un professeur catholique dans une Séminaire protestant." La Croix. (1960 ?).

"On Matters of Doctrine." The McAuleyan. (1960, 18 January). Student newspaper at Mt. Mercy College, Pittsburgh.

"The Liturgy and Holy Week -- Sixth in a Lenten Series." Pittsburgh Catholic. (1961 (?)).

"The Blake-Pike Plan for Unity." The Catholic Reporter. (1961, 20 January) 7.

"Episcopalians and Ecumenism. Is the Question of Origin Being Neglected?" Pittsburgh Catholic. (1961, 30 November).

"Some Reflections on an Ecumenical Exchange." The Catholic Reporter. (1961, 31 March) 5.

"Catholique ou latine?" La Croix. (1962 (?)).

"Mary: The thorny problem of defining her role." The Catholic Reporter. (1962-1963 (?), 2 October) 7.

"Council Seeks Insight into Meaning of Church." The Catholic Reporter. (1964, 7 August).

"Decree on Church Seen Most Memorable and Far-Reaching Council Achievement." The Catholic Standard and Times. (1964, 16 October) 8.

"How Can the Church Encounter Strangers? Everyone Must Help to De-Isolate the Laity." St. Louis Review. (1964, 24 July).

"The Vietnam war. A Theologian's Questions." The National Catholic Reporter. (1965, 11 August) 3.

"Mariology can become a way of life." The National Catholic Reporter. (1965, 21 July) 9. With reply and rejoinder in 4 August 1965.

"Notes of a Traveler. Basutoland: Solid, Serene - So Far." St. Louis Review. (1966, 18 February).

"The Non-encyclical on Birth Control." National Catholic Reporter. 4 (1968) 7. Also published in Challenge (1968, September-October) 18-24.

"Vers une Église 'démocratique' aux États-Unis." La Croix. (1968, 13 avril).

"Hans Reinhold, pionnier de la réforme liturgique est mort." La Croix. (1968, 11-12 février) 13.

"Imaginative new approach to ecumenism." The Catholic Times. (Weekly publication of the diocese of Columbus, OH, 1987, 22 May) 5.

"Dialogue with the Methodists." The Catholic Times. (1987, 23 January) 5.

"Catholic, Episcopalian covenant parishes." The Catholic Times. (1987, 23 October) 5.

"Merger to form new Lutheran church." The Catholic Times. (1987, 24 April) 5.

"Relations between Christians and Jews." The Catholic Times. (1987, 25 December) 5.

"John Paul's ecumenism and hoped for reunion." The Catholic Times. (1987, 25 September) 4-5.

"Catholic dialogue with the Evangelicals." The Catholic Times. (1987, 26 June) 5.

"The Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue." The Catholic Times. (1987, 27 February) 5.

"Lutherans and Catholics: Can they unite?" The Catholic Times. (1987, 27 March) 5.

"Theologians confront differences." The Catholic Times. (1987, 27 November) 5.

"The Blessed Virgin Mary and ecumenism." The Catholic Times. (1987, 28 August) 5.

"Catholic Church responds to the BEM." The Catholic Times. (1988, 22 April) 5.

"History of `Week of Prayer for Unity'." The Catholic Times. (1988, 22 January) 5.

"Praying for the unity of all Christians." The Catholic Times. (1988, 23 December) 5.

"Ecumenical translation of Bible awaited." The Catholic Times. (1988, 23 September) 5.

"An Orthodox and Catholic anniversary." The Catholic Times. (1988, 24 June) 5.

"Methodists and Catholics meet in Lisbon." The Catholic Times. (1988, 25 March) 5.

"Abp. Lefebvre and Cdl. Decourtray." The Catholic Times. (1988, 25 November) 5.

"The pope speaks about seminaries." The Catholic Times. (1988, 26 August) 5.

"The different varieties of ecumenism." The Catholic Times. (1988, 26 February) 5.

"French dialogue is now 50 years old." The Catholic Times. (1988, 27 May) 5.

"Partial reunions are taking place now." The Catholic Times. (1988, 28 October) 5.

"Let's dare to dream of Christian unity." The Catholic Times. (1989, 22 December) 5.

"Ecumenical pastoral care is needed." The Catholic Times. (1989, 22 September) 5.

"A compromise between Jews and Christians." The Catholic Times. (1989, 23 June) 5.

"Catholics, Orthodox and confirmation." The Catholic Times. (1989, 24 February) 5.

"The latest reform of the Roman curia." The Catholic Times. (1989, 24 March) 5.

"Are we sowing division for the future?" The Catholic Times. (1989, 24 November) 5.

"An anniversary and some `first events'." The Catholic Times. (1989, 25 August) 5.

"What is the church? What is a church?" The Catholic Times. (1989, 26 May) 5.

"Christian unity and the Virgin Mary." The Catholic Times. (1989, 27 January) 5.

"Pomp and circumstance in religious titles." The Catholic Times. (1989, 27 October) 5.

"A four-point basis for Christian reunion." The Catholic Times. (1989, 28 April) 5.





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