
Fr. Emmanuel d'Alzon

Our Life is Already Given

Dear brothers, sisters and friends in the Assumption family,
The world in which we live is marked by self-interest, conflict, division, polarization, violence, and war. Instead of being discouraged, we need to see what we can do to improve the situation.

AA News of the Assumption

AA News of the Assumption

There are fewer changes at the General House during the second year of the mandate than there were during the year following the General Chapter. The beginning of 2024 confirms that, without fanfare but nonetheless with noteworthy differences.

Remembering Deceased Loved Ones in November

Remembering Deceased Loved Ones in November

In the Catholic tradition, the month of November, beginning with the Feasts of All Saints (November 1) and All Souls (November 2), has long been a time to remember deceased family members and friends.