The month of November, beginning with All Saints Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls Day (Nov. 2), is traditionally a time to remember and pray for those who have died: members of our families, friends, public figures who have touched our lives, the lonely and forgotten.
During this month, a Remembrance Book will be set up near the altar in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, and members of the Assumption community are invited to inscribe the names of family members and friends who have died. Names can also be submitted online by clicking here, and these names will be printed out and placed by the Remembrance Book. The Paschal (or Easter) Candle will be placed by the Remembrance Book, reminding us of the Christian hope in eternal life and the resurrection of the dead.
“To destroy the shroud of death, Lord God,
and to wipe away our tears,
you promised a joyful feast on your holy mountain,
and sent your Son, the Word made flesh,
to guide us to that glory.
Bring all the faithful departed
to share the victory of the risen Christ.
Give us strength also on our earthly pilgrimage
to deny ourselves, to take up our cross
and to follow Christ,
gladly losing our lives for Jesus
and for the sake of the gospel. Amen.”
(Prayers for Sundays and Seasons, Liturgy Training Publications)