In the Catholic tradition, the month of November, beginning with the Feasts of All Saints (November 1) and All Souls (November 2), has long been a time to remember deceased family members and friends. An altar of remembrance, decorated in the style of altars for the Hispanic celebration of Dia de los Muertos, will be set up in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit throughout November. You are invited to write the names of deceased loved ones in the remembrance book at this altar or to submit names online that will be printed out and placed at this altar by clicking here.
Masses for All Saints Day, November 1
The Solemnity of All Saints, a Roman Catholic holyday of obligation, will be celebrated on Friday, November 1. Masses in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit will be at 12:00 and 5:00 PM.
Upcoming Socials in Tinsley
Sunday, October 20
Food After Mass, 8 PM — Enjoy food, drinks and games with fellow students and members of the Campus Ministry team.
Tuesday and Wednesday Social Hour
3-5 PM — Grab a freshly baked cookie, hang out and play board games each Tuesday and Wednesday.
Saturday, October 26
Tinslelytown Halloween Party, 6 PM — Celebrate with food, games, music, prizes, and a costume contest!
Sunday, October 27
Reception after Mass, 11 AM — Gather with fellow worshipers for coffee, tea, fruit, pastries and conversation.
Thursday, November 7
First Thursday Bagels, 9:00-10:30 AM — Faculty, staff and students are invited to enjoy a fresh New York style bagel with assorted flavors of cream cheese, Fair Trade coffee, tea and hot chocolate, and conversation.